Alpha Amylase
Mostrando 1-12 de 318 artigos, teses e dissertações.
1. Light-Induced Chloroplast [alpha]-Amylase in Pearl Millet (Pennisetum americanum).
In pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum) seedlings light induces the appearance of a leaf [alpha]-amylase isozyme. The leaf [alpha]-amylase isozyme was present in enriched amounts in isolated chloroplast but it could not be detected in isolated etioplasts. The chloroplast [alpha]-amylase was present in both mesophyll and bundle-sheath chloroplasts. Preliminar
2. Clinical and immunological responses to occupational exposure to alpha-amylase in the baking industry.
alpha-Amylase is a starch cleaving enzyme often used in the baking industry as a flour additive. It is usually of fungal origin, produced by Aspergillus oryzae. One previous report has shown IgE antibodies and positive skin prick test against alpha-amylase in asthmatic bakers. This paper describes four alpha-amylase sensitised index cases with occupational a
3. Expression of alpha-amylase in Bacillus licheniformis.
In Bacillus licheniformis, alpha-amylase production varied more than 100-fold depending on the presence or absence of a catabolite-repressing carbon source in the growth medium. alpha-Amylase was produced during the growth phase and not at the onset of the stationary phase. Induction of alpha-amylase correlated with synthesis of mRNA initiating at the promot
4. The glucose effect and regulation of alpha-amylase synthesis in the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus.
An alpha-amylase was purified from culture supernatants of Sulfolobus solfataricus 98/2 during growth on starch as the sole carbon and energy source. The enzyme is a homodimer with a subunit mass of 120 kDa. It catalyzes the hydrolysis of starch, dextrin, and alpha-cyclodextrin with similar efficiencies. Addition of exogenous glucose represses production of
5. Alpha-amylase gene transcription in tissues of normal dog.
We studied the distribution of alpha-amylase mRNA in normal dog tissues by northern blotting (NB) and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) with human pancreatic (AMY2) and salivary (AMY1) alpha-amylase cDNA-specific primers. Analysis of poly(A+) RNA from various normal tissues by NB indicated the presence of detectable levels of alpha-amy
6. Effect of different levels of supplementary alpha-amylase in finishing broilers
ABSTRACT. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of alpha-amylase supplementation on performance and carcass and cuts yield in broilers during finishing phase (21 to 42 days). A completely randomized experimental design with six treatments and eight replications was used: Positive Control (PC): no enzyme; Negative control (NC): without
Acta Sci., Anim. Sci.. Publicado em: 24/10/2019
7. Aleurones from a Barley with Low [alpha]-Amylase Activity Become Highly Responsive to Gibberellin When Detached from the Starchy Endosperm.
The physiological and molecular bases for contrasting [alpha]-amylase phenotypes were examined in germinating seeds of two barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars, Morex and Steptoe. Morex is a high-quality malting barley that develops high [alpha]-amylase activity soon after germination. Steptoe is a feed barley that develops only low [alpha]-amylase activity
8. Characterization of a new cell-bound alpha-amylase in Bacillus subtilis 168 Marburg that is only immunologically related to the exocellular alpha-amylase.
Immunoblot analysis of Bacillus subtilis cell extracts with polyclonal antibodies, raised against purified exocellular alpha-amylase, revealed one protein species of 82,000 Da. This protein was found even in cells in which the amyE gene, encoding exocellular alpha-amylase, was disrupted. Isolated from the membrane fraction, the 82,000-M(r) protein displayed
9. Heat shock causes destabilization of specific mRNAs and destruction of endoplasmic reticulum in barley aleurone cells.
In response to a phytohormone, gibberellic acid, the aleurone layers of barley seeds synthesize and secrete alpha-amylases, which are coded by a set of stable mRNAs. When aleurone layers are subjected to heat shock treatment, the synthesis of alpha-amylase is suppressed while heat shock proteins are induced. The suppression of alpha-amylase synthesis is not
10. Expression and secretion of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens alpha-amylase by using the yeast pheromone alpha-factor promoter and leader sequence in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Replacement of the regulatory and secretory signals of the alpha-amylase gene (AMY) from Bacillus amylolique-faciens with the complete yeast pheromone alpha-factor prepro region (MF alpha 1p) resulted in increased levels of extracellular alpha-amylase production in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. However, the removal of the (Glu-Ala)2 peptide from the MF alpha 1 s
11. A single gene directs synthesis of a precursor protein with beta- and alpha-amylase activities in Bacillus polymyxa.
The Bacillus polymyxa amylase gene comprises 3,588 nucleotides. The mature amylase comprises 1,161 amino acids with a molecular weight of 127,314. The gene appeared to be divided into two portions by the direct-repeat sequence located at almost the middle of the gene. The 5' region upstream of the direct-repeat sequence was shown to be responsible for the sy
12. Effect of decoyinine on the regulation of alpha-amylase synthesis in Bacillus subtilis.
Decoyinine, an inhibitor of GMP synthetase, allows sporulation in Bacillus subtilis to initiate and proceed under otherwise catabolite-repressing conditions. The effect of decoyinine on alpha-amylase synthesis in B. subtilis, an event which exhibits regulatory features resembling sporulation initiation, was examined. Decoyinine did not overcome catabolite re