A ação comunitária do Projovem : um instrumento para promover a participação do jovem?




In 2005 was implemented the National Program for Inclusion of Youths (ProJovem) as a strategic component of the National Political for Youth. The program aims to integrate actions to raise the level of education of youths, promote the professional training and community envolvement. The objective of this research is to analyse the community envolvement of ProJovem, as a tool to promote participation of youth. The government is stimulating the participation and we need to ask is this participation. The survey was conducted among young raduates who have signed up for participation in ProJovem, in 2006, in Salvador. To define the methodology, draw similarities between evaluation and research. The collection of data and information was through the bibliography, analysis of documentary sources, the completion of questionnaires and conduct interviews for the focus group. We use the theoretical framework on the concepts of public policy, youth, and public policies for youth, ProJovem, participation and community envolvement. The research points to a change in the way of acting and thinking of students. Identify constraints in implementing the Program and discontinuity in the implementation community envolvement, but there were changes in other aspects of participation.


projovem youth public policies community envolvement projovem participação políticas públicas ação comunitária juventude educacao participation

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