A astÃcia da mÃmesis e a (des)qualificaÃÃo do humano? : a diluiÃÃo das fronteiras entre o orgÃnico e o mecÃnico




This study examines the technological advances in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, nanotechnology, bioinformatics, Bioengineering, Cybersecurity, from the logic that has driven: the mimesis. To this end, we relate the qualitative analysis of science fiction movies, more specifically RoboCop (1987) and Blade Runner (1982), with theoretical and philosophical texts, ads, web sites etc. By proposing a (re)reading of the mimesis and the concept of cyborg, assume that the logic that has guided the development and production in these fields of knowledge, initially, is the logic of similarity, namely mimesis. But such logic brings in its heart the desire to produce differences - from the improvement and overcome the model - we believe that this momentum can suggest the disqualification of the first (man-model-original) rather than the second (machine-copy) resulting from the cunning of mimesis. We note that production of machinery antropomorphfics as RoboCop (which create illusion of "humanity", the purpose of surface - like the logic) or the development of artifacts "live", able to build its own identity and learning from the contexts in which they are submerged, as the replicantes of Blade Runner, even though we suggest modifying the structure of natural nature, yet it doesnât allow us to a definitive answer about the (un) qualification of the human rather than machine


borders mÃmesis mimetics sociology science fiction sociologia technoscience sociologia tecnociÃncia ficÃÃo cientÃfica fronteiras

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