A conditional-lethal vaccinia virus mutant demonstrates that the I7L gene product is required for virion morphogenesis


BioMed Central


A conditional-lethal recombinant virus was constructed in which the expression of the vaccinia virus I7L gene is under the control of the tetracycline operator/repressor system. In the absence of I7L expression, processing of the major VV core proteins is inhibited and electron microscopy reveals defects in virion morphogenesis subsequent to the formation of immature virion particles but prior to core condensation. Plasmid-borne I7L is capable of rescuing the growth of this virus and rescue is optimal when the I7L gene is expressed using the authentic I7L promoter. Taken together, these data suggest that correct temporal expression of the VV I7L cysteine proteinase is required for core protein maturation, virion assembly and production of infectious progeny.

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