A dermatoglifia como um verificador de desempenho motor de criança de 3 anos de idade / The dermatoglyphics as a check of motor performance in 3-year-old children




The human being develops his motor repertoire, as it is required by life and this way it will start their learning, starting from the simplest tasks to most complex ones. From this perspective, their innate potential can be observed. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the fingerprint can be a motor performance discriminator in 3-year-old children. The study included 38 children from both sexes aging 3 years old. To evaluate the motor performance the test battery Test of Gross Motor Development - Second Edition (TGMD-2) was used and to assess the genetical potential the protocol of Cummins and Midlo (1961) was used, through the Dermatoglyphic Reader developed by Nodari Junior (2008). The Descriptive analysis was used to observe the dermatoglyphic profile, which showed the following results median arch 0, loop 4.5, whorl 4, D10 13.5 and SQTL 110.5. In the motor performance, the children showed wide motor coefficient median 91, in the average classification. When the relationship between motor performance and genetic fingerprint marker was observed, by the Spearman Rho test, we can verify a moderate correlation between the horizontal jump and pull tab, horizontal jump and SQTL and SQTL and Chute and gross score of object control. Thus, it appears that children have a predisposition, when the dermatoglyphics was observed to develop the speed, endurance and coordination skills. Regarding the motor performance, children are believed to have an adequate performance. Since the dermatoglyphics a checker can be motor performance, but should not be used as a detector of talent as any performance in high yield depends on the interaction between genetics and environment. It is suggested that other studies are investigating children who are categorized in the test used as very superior, superior, above average, average below average, poor and very poor performance engine, so you can make an investigation of their genetic potential, it also suggests to make a longitudinal study with these children, to see if the children change their motor performance in relation to their genetic potential.


desempenho motor educacao fisica children motor development dermatoglyphics dermatoglifia crianças

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