A educação da alma : o trabalho voluntario na CEA-AMIC onde esta teu coração , esta meu tesouro: b um estudo de caso




Since 1990, increases the number of organizations all over the world - coined with the name of Privatade, but Publics, by Rubens César Fernandes, in 1994 – that emerge of the heart of civil society, joining around itself, a significant amount of voluntary workers, with diferents ages, ethnicals origin , beliefs, education degree, social-economic level, etc. Those individuals, spontaneosly congregate, to ocuppy themselves specifically, with subjects, that to few decades, they were considared by the civil society, as of the responsability almost that only of the Gonerment, as the hunger, the children in risk situatios, the environmental degradation, the violence, etc. This researche, is a case study, of the voluntary work, as accomplished in one of those organizations - AMIC – that is the social organ of Espirito Friend´s House , one institution spiritist -kardecist . Its intends to contribute to characterize, the particularities joined to the volunty work, when practiced - as Charity – in the instituitions espiritistkardecist, under the aegis of the maxim: OUT OF CHARITY, THERE IS NO SALVATION.


vida comunitaria participação social religiosidade ontologia

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