A enunciação do cotidiano: estudo de textos de Clarice Lispector para o Caderno B do Jornal do Brasil de 1967 a 1973 / A enunciação do cotidiano: estudo de textos de Clarice Lispector para o Caderno B do Jornal do Brasil de 1967 a 1973




The thesis had the goal to demonstrate the contribution to the Brazilian journalism of the texts of Clarice Lispector written for Section B of Jornal do Brasil between 1967 and 1973 in relation to other newspaper texts regarding the political, social and cultural events from the period. For the fulfillment of text reading, we based ourselves on Mikhail Bakhtin conception about the utterance and constituent features of this notion. The reading has shown evidences of Clarice Lispector journalistic view when she wrote about political and social situations, experienced by Brazilian citizens facing facts that took place in daily life in a period imprinted by censorship, established after the 1964 military coup and subsequent decree of Institutional Act No 5 in 1968. Her texts reported the feelings of dread, insecurity and fearlessness related to social injustice matters, loss of freedom and other issues linked to the country political and economic state of affairs, external happenings with which Clarice Lispector as an intellectual and denizen coexisted and shared with other citizens.


clarice lispector brazilian journalism jornalismo brasileiro jornal do brasil jornalismo e linguagem section b caderno b journalism and language clarice lispector jornal do brasil

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