A estrutura do espaço visual e a percepção de colinearidade no campo aberto: análise de procedimentos, teste de modelos e aspectos cognitivos / The structure of visual space and the perception of collinearity in open field: analysis of procedures, model testing and cognitive aspects




The purpose of the present work was to investigate, using a spatial configuration of collinear stimuli in the open field, the accuracy and stability of the adjustments and distance estimates. Aspects related with the collinearity task were analyzed and the data confronted with the phenomenon of the anisotropy of perceived space. In addition, the results were fitted using different theoretical models, assessing their implications for the geometry of the visual space. The cognitive aspects related with this kind of task, when used in the open field, were also considered, particularly these referred to mental visualization and cognitive correction. 96 volunteers participated in the different experiments of this study, with a mean age of 26 years old for women and 28 for the men. In the collection of the experimental data, indirect measures were used, in particular a kind of exocentric pointing task, and, also, direct measures, like verbal judgments. The result shows that the observers achieved a good performance in the collinearity task, with errors varying systematically in function of the egocentric distance to the target. The results of the collinearity task were analogous to those found in the literature, and they didnt show significant variations when one more target, indicating the center of the spatial configuration of stimuli, was added on. The egocentric and exocentric distance judgments were adjusted using different theoretical models (lineal, power function, Common model, Tangle). The best fit was obtained by the Tangle, the non-linear model of Foley, Ribeiro-Filho and Da Silva (2004) (with RMSE=0,29m for egocentric distances and 0,31m for exocentric distances). In this model it was evidenced that the inequality of the triangle was accomplished for angles that varied from 67 to 101 degrees, while the sum of the segments of the collinearity lines didnt equal the value of the total distance among their extreme points. The anisotropy of the visual space found in the experiments, was coaquint with the reports in the literature, appearing as a phenomenon difficult of being represented geometrically. The evidences presented in this work point to the relevance of the cognitive processes when performing spatial tasks such as: collinearity adjust, mental visualization, distance estimation, with the cognitive corrections increasing as the complexity of the visual environment grown. They were also found differences in the judgements according to the observers sex, with variations depending on the considered tasks. Summarizing, the present experimental work contributed to this area of research, with an analysis aproximadamente the procedures based on the adjust of collinearity, the application of the theoretical model of Foley, Ribeiro-Filho and Da Silva (2004) in estimatives based on this kind of tasks in the open field, as well on the related cognitive aspects.


psicofísica percepção de distância psychophysics percepção espacial distance perception space perception percepção visual visual perception

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