A formação continuada dos professores alfabetizadores da reme - rede municipal de ensino - do município de Corumbá - garantia da qualidade de ensino?




This work, linked to a research line Pedagogic Practice and its relations with the professor had the objective of investigating the continued formation of the literacy teacher and verified how this formation contributed for this practical change of this kind of teachers who work for REME Municipal net of Education of Corumbá/MS, from 1999 to 2003. The research was developed in 03 phases. The 1st one was a survey with the 60 literacy teachers of REME through a questionnaire with the purpose of tracing their demographic profile in order to verify the conceptions of literacy, educations and teaching of continued formation. The 2nd one, concomitant of realization of interviews was an analysis documents of SMEC Secretary of Education and Culture (City department) and OMEP World Organization for Pre-school Education to verify the schedules, the number of participants and the contents of the courses. From 1999 to 2003, in the 3rd one was a survey with 06 literacy teachers, of REME for a minimum period of 05 years with courses of continued formation, observation in the teachers classrooms closed to verify the theoretical and practical relation. After the application of the questionnaire, it was evident that most of the teachers who had given literacy lessons were 30 to 49 years old. Concerning the observation in the classroom, it was evidenced that the teachers B, D E and F have the most dynamic practice with relation to the continued formation the teachers were unanimous to confirm that this information contributed for the quality of education and for the change of practice in the classroom. They also alleged that the courses should happen at least every 15 days and at school. For most of the interlocutors teachers, the literacy teaching involves dominating the speech and transmitting knowledge. Its was confirmed that the continued formation influenced the teachers performance, changing the practice of moste of them.


formação continuada ability continued formation competência. educacao saberes know ledges alfabetização literacy

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