A formação profissional de policiais de investigação criminal (delegados e detetives): estudos dos currículos da Academia de Polícia Civil de Minas Gerais de 1985 a 2002




The present paper had as study object the formation of the civil policemen (the judiciary policy) of the State of Minas Gerais, in the period between 1985 and 2002. The objective of the study was to identify in the curricular proposals the orientation politics, with sights the creation of a new image of the policeman. In this context, one searched as the resumes, in this period, reflected the disputes, between that they defended the scientific formation polices of it, the partisans politician-pedagogical of whom if it learns to be polices in the practical one and those that they acted as a lawyer the idea of a formation criticizes. Of certain form, one of the hypotheses of work of this research had as base a instigante idea formulated by Robert Kant de Lima who detached the inquisitorial character of the Brazilian policy at the moment of the production of the police inquest. For this author, this character has sustentation in the proper Code of the Criminal proceeding. Ahead of this position, we decide to verify if the curricular proposals reflected of some form this character. The research had as referencial theoreticians of the resume (Michel Apple, 1989; J. Gimeno Sacristàn, 2000), and of the professional formation (M Tardiff, 2002 and Perrenoud, 1999). The methodology was centered in the analysis of documents, curricular projects, manuals of course. In the research, it walked in following the sensible ones: ) it analyzed the type of the produced material, b) compared enters the resumes between itself and these with the legislation guides that them, c) had analyzed the composition of the curricular gratings, identifying the weight of them discipline, its meanings, its estimated and the image of policeman whom if it intended, theoretically, to form. The described professors had not been heard nor, and, as the studied period findava, in 2002, were not made comment in classroom, that is, the resume in action was not considered. Amongst the results, it is distinguished how much you discipline them central offices of the course of formation of commission agents and detectives strengthen the inquisitorial character of the criminal inquiry in detriment of more democratic procedures.


currículos educação teses. policia ensino profissional.

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