A gramatica das formas possessivas no portugues do Brasil




This thesis examines the syntax and semantics of possessive forms in Brazilian Portuguese focussing on the following questions: (I) the anaporic relation between the possessive forms seu/dele and their antecedents; (ii) the relation between the possessive pronoun and the genitive arguments of a nominal phrase; (iii) the different syntactic and semantic functions of the possessive pronoun according to its position in the nominal phrase. The thesis claims that the 3rd person possessive - seu - is an anaphor in the sense that it is not capable of behaving like a deictic, that is, it has no referential independence. Seu behaves as a variable, in the logical sense and, for this reason, takes quantified phrases or generics with a universal quantifier interpretation as antecedents. Dele, on the other hand, is a pronoun which takes referential antecedents. The thesis argues tor the existence of genitive arguments of a noun phrase - syntactic constituents that may be characterized by being introduced by de, being paraphrasable by cujo, not accepting substitution by a pronoun and, finally, by being the only constituents which can be pronominalized by a possessive pronoun. Genitive arguments obey a structural hierarchy (from the most "external" to the most "internal): possessive >agent/experiencer >theme. This hierarchy is obeyed by an anteposed possessive pronoun: this pronoun is always interpreted as the most external argument. There is, therefore, a structural relation between the anteposed possessive pronoun and the genitive arguments of a nominal head. Finally, the delimitative/determiner role of the anteposed possessive pronoun is contrasted with the predicative/attributive role of the postposea pronoun. The anteposed pronoun is analysed asan argument of the nominal head in a specifier position having scope over the nominal phrase. The postposed pronoun is analysed as a predicate in adjunction to the nominal head


lingua portuguesa - gramatica - brasil lingua portuguesa - pronomes - brasil

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