A gramaticalização da perifrase conjuncional so que




This work aims at investigating the grammaticalization process originating the conjunctional periphrasis "só que" which plays a role in establishing the counterexpectation pragmatic meaning between the segments it connects. In order to do that, some more specific objectives are sought. Firstly, a more consistent theoretical support concerning the grammaticalization concept is pursued for it is possible to identify different conceptions addressed to this linguistic creation process. Secondly, a conjunctions history investigation is carried out in order to show they are bound to suffer continuous changes, and that the conjunctional periphasis formation is a quite old phenomenon. In a third phase, the "só que" linguistic behavior is described considering the aspects re1ated to argumentation, information distribution and to the kind of connection established by "só que". Among other aspects, the counterexpectation meaning which is remarked and, particularly, explained in terms of pragmatic presupposition canceling, may be specified according to context conditions resulting in the different meanings of "só que" identified: difference marker, unexpected event marker, conditions non-satisfaction marker and counterargumentation marker. Finally, the "só que" grammaticalization evidence is, synchronically put together based, mainly, on the analysis of the several usages of the operator "só", on the consideration of the "só que" polysemy, and on the confrontation between "só que" and the Portuguese prototypical adversative conjunction.


mudanças linguisticas gramatica comparada e geral - gramaticalização funcionalismo (linguistica)

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