A hotspot for novel amplification joints in a mosaic of Alu-like repeats and palindromic A + T-rich DNA.


We have identified, in the amplified domain of adenylate deaminase (AMPD) overproducing Chinese hamster fibroblasts, a 2.6 kb recombinogenic DNA region which is frequently involved in amplification-associated rearrangements. The nucleotide sequence reveals a mosaic organization of four Alu-equivalent repeats of the B1 and B2 families and eight long A + T-rich DNA segments. Part of this region is enriched with long imperfect palindromes. The center of one palindrome contains a putative topoisomerase I cleavage site and this site defines the position of a novel junction which was formed by illegitimate recombination with anther A + T-rich DNA sequence located far apart on the amplified DNA. These findings and their significance are discussed in the context of related data from other systems and in the light of current models for eukaryotic DNA recombination, replication and organization.

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