A humanizaÃÃo na pedagogia de Paulo Freire




The construction of a just and humane world necessitates the contribution of critical and transforming educational processes. The present work seeks to analyze the development of the concept of humanization in the thinking of Paulo Freire, with special focus on the concept of humanization in his pedagogy. Humanization is considered as a foundation of his work and must be understood as how it functions as an educational process within cultural action and, consequently, as an instrument of the transformation of reality. The present work is theoretical, requiring understanding and interpretation of the work of Paulo Freire within specific objectives and using as a reference and conceptual base the thinking of humanistic philosophy and the ideas of those who have influenced it. The methodological process involved the use of hermeneutical techniques for the interpretation of texts, seeking understanding and a critical perspective in the various possibilities of dialogical openness which is the basis of the hermeneutic process. Freirian discourse is gradually gaining its place as a humanistic conception of the world and of social life, incorporating various politicalphilosophical conceptions of the world, of society and about the human being. Because of this aspect, Freire as a thinker does not fall into any particular philosophical category, but used aspects of a number of them, thus molding and nourishing his pedagogy within a liberatory and humanistic framework. The humanism of Paulo Freire can be best understood, then, within the freirean dialect. His idea of human existence is based on the principle of the subject-world dialectical union, by which the human being is marked historically and culturally. But we can say that this humanism is also concrete, critical, engaged, transforming because it is also nourished by action-reflection in daily praxis by men and women who are struggling for their liberation


liberation educacao conscientizaÃÃo libertaÃÃo humanizaÃÃo paulo freire dehumanization conscientization paulo freire humanization desumanizaÃÃo

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