A inserção de Feria de Santana (BA) nos processos de integração produtiva e de desconcentração economica nacional




This thesis analyzes the process of socioeconomic development of Feira de Santana (Bahia). It analyzes the insert ofthat municipal district in the main tendency of development ofthe capital. The basic references are the economic disconcentration and productive integration processes. It shows that, in the last decades, Feira was benefited by an industrial disconcentration process, that improved and integrated the national periphery, commercialyand productively. The weakening of the national State and the neoliberal policies have reduced the possibility of the articulated actions in order to promote the local or regional development. Since the second half ofthe 80 s, the fast transformations on the financial and organizational fields, in the national and intemational economic and political scenery, have caused changes in the investors strategies as well as asymmetric adjustments in brazilian productive structure. The systems 34/18 and FINOR were the largest incentives to most of the investments accomplished in CIS. Although having promoted important structural transformations in the feirense economy, it was insufficient to induce the generalization of the capitalist relationships of production and break the tradition and "archaic" structures. At the same time, the public investrilents were not enough to modify the situation of most of the population in matters of hea1th, education and habitation conditions, etc. The Federal Govemment and Brazilian States economic policies are adapted to cope with the current movements of financial globalization and the regionalization of the markets. .lt tends to avoid a national economic expansion and a large regional integration, hindering the process of development of the outlying areas, as it is the case of Feira de Santana. Thus, on the absence of a national coordination, the simple minded adoption of the local and regional policies which seeks for competitive modernization is destined to failure. There are limits almost unreached in the political-institutional field, for the solutions of local productive transformation, in areas of late industrialization. So, the "local power" fad has implied social and economic tensions in the national space, with deepening ofthe inter-regional and intra-urban space segregation


economia regional

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