A legitimidade do poder e a dinâmica do poder em Irará e Água Fria - Bahia.




This study searched to develop two dimensions about the theoretical category of Power, which are its Legitimacy and its Dynamics, currently observed in the politics, in the cities of Água Fria and Irará, in the countryside of Bahia. The nature of the Power was sketched to support the agreement on these dimensions and its genesis also was described. Besides, Power transformations during the times was analyzed. After that a setting with some views on Power was drawn. The literature used in this inquiry was taken from the theoreticians who dedicated to study this subject and Politic Power was detailed in its dimension. The general objective of this search was to identify as it is evaluated, currently, the legitimacy of the power and the dynamics of the politic power in Água Fria and Irará, in the countryside of Bahia. This process was done through the evaluations emitted by the people who works at the mayor administration, some the civil society members and the politicians. The research had a character description-analytical in the measure where if it occupied theoretically to elucidate the studied phenomenon and analyzed the results found after tabulated the data collected through instrument developed for this end. The methodology for collection of data used was of the type survey. The data had been gotten through direct consultation to a sample of the population chosen to be adequate for the target of the research. It was constructed, therefore, a methodology using indicators that already exists, in order to prove, numerically, the esablished estimated that says the legitimacy and the dynamics of the power are evaluated of divergent form by the mayors collaborators , for integrant of the civil society and the politicians. This estimated was proven when the cities of Água Fria and Irará was analyzed separately or in set. The evaluations of the Legitimacy and the Dynamics of the power made by different social actors had been different and, in some cases, divergent.


legitimidade governamental science of politics power poder ciência política legitimacy of government administração municipal mayor administration administracao

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