A memoria da formação de professores de quimica




This research endeavors to show up the memory of the confíriuing education for chemistry teachers of São Paulo State, from 1972 to 1987, of high school and secondary levels. It reflects my own memory and my professional way when I had different roles and I participated of those projects of training for teachers. Now, I could think about how those works happened and the politic and ideological powers of that epoch. Several times I could not understands the true reasons of unsuccess of those programs of innovation of teaching and formation of teachers, the amount of money that was wasted (without arriving on hands of teachers and pupils). My work showed up in this thesis is an way in order to look at the seventies and eighties, an history usually forgot because who did this history has been unable of spreading to his partners. I wrote this work wanting to tell something of unrelated history of the science teachers of São Paulo State. My analysis was done on personal perceptions and on the governmental actions for continuing education of teachers. Why? Because, for me, these two dimensions are significant and they are blended in order to create a professional formation. In introduction I put the problem and its history inside theoretical approach and I show the framework of this study. Firstly, I recover my own memory when I was teacher of state secondary schools since 1972 until 1979. I claim to explain how the school was that time and how Education Department controlled the schools: their organization, curriculum and teacher work. Secondly, I look at the program promoted by Education Department, in 1979 and 1980, for chemistry teachers, when I was leader of trainings. I emphasize my formation inside an environment of training leaders and the guideline of teaching accepted that epoch (its rationality and strategies). Thirdly, I discuss the activities of a regional project in Ribeirão Preto-SP when I participated its between 1981 and 1983. The project was thought inside Education Department in order to capacitate science teachers and it was applied only onto two regions of São Paulo State. Fourthly, largue that the curricular changing of chemistry teaching brought old and new approaches because it happened inside a social propitious environment and connected with the recovery of democracy in Brazil. I indicate our dreams, conceptual changing, methodological principles about the chemistry teaching. I present the main players that process: teachers of secondary schools, professors, institutions of teaching and education, leaders of governmental agencies; all those which worked from 1983 to 1987 wanting another teaching in this State. Lastly, I compare those different times and environments, their educational policies, continuities and uncontinuities and how I and several others learnt and sensed the social movement


educação permanente - metodologia quimica (segundo grau) - estudo e ensino professores de ensino de segundo grau - formação

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