A morte de Ofelia nas aguas : reflexos da personagem de Shakespeare na poesia simbolista brasileira / The Ophelia s death in waters : reflections of Shakespeare s character inBrazilian symbolist poetry




At the end of the 19th century, a particular scene from Shakespeare s Hamlet (1600) - young Ophelia s accident-suicide, described in Act IV, Scene VII - gets in the spotlight of symbolist poems, including the Brazilian ones. This research aims at analysing the spin-offs and rereadings of the referred scene in the Brazilian poems of Valentim de Magalhães, Cruz e Souza, Alphonsus de Guimaraens, Guerra Duval, Da Costa e Silva, Eduardo Guimaraens, Alceu Wamosy, among others, in comparison to the "ophelian" poems of Jules Laforgue, Georges Rodenbach, Laurent Tailhade and António Nobre. The explanation for the repetition of the image of dead Ophelia in the water in the symbolist poetry was the total dissolution of the character in the water element (the "substantial nothingness", according to Bachelard), reproducing an end-ofcentury wish to immerse into Nothingness, into Emptiness. Ophelia s association to Emptiness was distributed, based on the found poems, into three subtopics: the union of the lovers corpses - as a heritage from Ultra-Romanticism - in which the confusion of the bodies, totally amalgamated, reminds us of the state of androginy; the polar sterility - a particularity of Symbolism -, in which great cold extensions, which reveal a separation from the rhythm of life, produce a cold light, fed by self-reflections; and the metapoetry - a herald of Modernism - in which Art itself, represented by chaste or sterile symbols, is seen as the poet s last stand of faith. The Moon, as well as other circular images, is remarkably present in all these three divisions, simultaneously indicating plenitude (self-sufficiency) and sterility (the circle in which nothing is fed and nothing is produced), which shows a significant distance from Ophelia s romantic picture


nada (filosofia) poesia brasileira ofelia (personagem ficticio) brazilian poetry moon (mythology) lua - mitologia simbolismo ophelia (character) nothingness (philosophy) symbolism

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