A Mutation Affecting the Lactate Dehydrogenase Locus Ldh-1 in the Mouse. II. Mechanism of the Ldh-a Deficiency Associated with Hemolytic Anemia


A procarbazine hydrochloride-induced mutation at the Ldh-1 structural locus encoding the A subunit of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) was used to study the molecular and metabolic basis of severe hemolytic anemia due to LDH-A deficiency in the mouse. The mutant allele designated Ldh-1(a-m1Neu) codes for an enzyme that as homotetramer differs from the wild-type enzyme by a marked instability, acidic shift of the pH profile, increased K(m) for pyruvate and altered inhibition by high concentrations of this substrate. Except for the latter, all these altered properties of the mutant protein contribute to the diminished LDH activity in heterozygous and homozygous mutant individuals. Impaired energy metabolism of erythrocytes indicated by a relatively low ATP concentration is suggested to result in cell death at the end of the reticulocyte stage leading to the expression of hemolytic anemia with extreme reticulocytosis and hyperbilirubinemia. Despite the severe anemia, affected homozygous mutants exhibit approximately normal body weight and do not show noticeable impairment of viability or fertility. To date no such condition is observed in man. This discrepancy is likely due to the fact that in human erythrocytes both LDH-A and LDH-B subunits are expressed such that homozygotes for a LDH-A or LDH-B deficiency would not result in a comparably extreme LDH activity deficiency.

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