A poesia árabe de temática bélica e o iconoclasmo islâmico : Tahar Ben Jelloun : la remontée des cendres




This study analyses the way a specifically Arab poetics emerges in the work the French-speaking Moroccan poet Tahar Ben Jelloun, with special reference to La remontée des Cendres and Non Identifiés, poems about the martyrs of the Gulf War. The study develops along three central lines of investigation employed to ensure acuteness of analysis and fluidity in furnishing explanations of the objectives pursued and the conclusions reached. The first line addresses the iconoclasm at the heart of early Islam and its place in the Byzantine context. Reflection on dogma, the plastic and political consequences of Byzantium, the reasons for proscribing images portraying the Absolute as Askematistòs, in the light of Hegels remarks on Moslem art, open the first explanatory window on the iconoclastic heritage bequeathed to modern Arab poets. The second line of investigation follows the birth of Arabic writing, its expansion, and the emergence of calligraphy as an art form derived from lettering. It likewise traces migration and the development of different styles ranging across the Islamic world from its birthplace in Iraq to the western reaches of the Moslem empire, the Maghreb. There calligraphic forms are enhanced by the Mediterranean atmosphere, the human spirit and imagination, mans imaginal world. Arab-Islamic artistic motifs calligraphy and arabesques are explained in terms of their essence. The aesthetic argument and the history of religions serve to forge meaning that will fire the inner workings of modern poets as they reproduce poetic form. These two lines of investigation converge to forge a third that emerges as a confluence of the historical and artistic precepts employed to elucidate the compositional mode of Moroccan poetry about the war victims. Phenomenology is used in the analysis of these two poems as a vector for explaining the way the poet handles the material features described in the preceding lines of investigation, absorbing and transforming them to create a peculiar, exclusive, distinctly and unmistakably Arab poetics.


religião arte caligráfica islâmica poesia teoria literaria

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