A ponderação na colisão entre os princípios da proteção das manifestações culturais religiosas de matriz africana e o da proteção aos animias.




This dissertation has as main objective to study a way to solve the conflicts between the fundamental rights or constitutional principles, more specifically the conflict between the protection of the immaterial cultural manifestation of African matrix religion that uses animals sacrifice and the environment protection ecologically balanced with emphasis in the fauna protection. The technique of Robert Alexy, named balance of interests with subprinciple analyses is represented as the most appropriate to the solution of collision. The fundamental rights are studied in their theoretical genesis and legislative evolution up to the present perspective of the constitutional treatment of the subject. The work follows the methodology of documental and bibliographic study and the deductive reasoning. The research on the theoretical applied nature has scientifical-juridical characteristic, prescriptive and it will adopt the dissertative speech through the argumentative operation. It is also based on risen and analysis of decision procedure which forms the Brazilian jurisprudence and that is also about effectiveness and protection issues of cultural rights and its collision with rights related to environmental properties concerned to the fauna protection. In the end it is offered a solution to the collision which restricts the principles and makes possible the permanence and realization of both, guaranteeing the constitutional effectiveness.


proteção ao patrimônio cultural imaterial collision between principles direito animal protection colisão entre princípios balance of interest religiões de matriz africana african matrix religions técnica da ponderaçao proteção aos animais protection of the immaterial cultural heritage

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