A potencialidade de ferramentas interativas de comunicação disponíveis em ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem para a avaliação formativa




The new Information and Communication Technologies establish a new socialcultural paradigm, through its radical influence on the society. This fact has modified significantly the educational environment, mainly, for keeping in xeque the learning conceptions and the new paper of its actors. In this direction, the virtual learning environments start to be an interaction and collaborative place, where the knowledge construction is possible. The emergent On-line Education demands a new pedagogical concept that attends to the necessities of students and professors who act in this educational modality. Its necessary to point out the pedagogical function of the communication interactive tools (diário de bordo, fórum of discussion, chat, portfólio e e-mail) and describe how it can propitiate the learning process, just measure the new meanings social construction by students orientation, in a formative evaluation proposal. Its essential, therefore, to reflect on the quality and the effectiveness of learning, through put in doubt this new activity field, and think about On-line Education as an educational modality really worried about to the pedagogical of the virtual world.


construtivismo educação on-line avaliação formativa on-line education educacao formative evaluation constructivism

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