A Prática de Avaliação na Escola de 2 Grau: tradições e contradições




This research, of the case-study type, aims at showing that the expansion of the educational opportunities in relation to the teaching in the High School Courses did not mean a democratization of this school insofar as the teacher, coherent to the conservative model existing in the society we live in, develops his evaluation practice guided by criteria which characterize the domesticating evaluation system. Taking as a basis some concepts proper to the field of evaluation, present in the legal documents and in the texts of some authors, specially in those of Luckesis, we make a description and a contextualization of the practice of the teachers of two classes of the tenth grade of an official school one a day-time class, the other a night-school class when we try to explicit the contradictions present in the daily routine of this school concerning the practice of evaluation. We conclude that the teachers diverting their practice from the theoretical contextualization on the process of evaluation priorize the classificatory function in detriment to the function of diagnosis whose objective is to foster the advancement and growth of the student. We point out the need to propose to the teachers the study and reformulation of some evaluation aspects specially those connected with the selection of the knowledge to be transmitted to the students and the proper essence of the evaluation process. This would mean transferring the access to the teaching of the High School Course in the real access to learnings which are socially significative.


avaliação educacional educacao ensino de segundo grau - avaliação ensino de segundo grau ensino de segundo grau - avaliação avaliação educacional educational evaluation high school courses ensino do 2 grau high school courses educational evaluation ensino de segundo grau ensino do 2 grau educacao

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