A salinidade das águas superficiais e sua interferência nas condições sócio-econômicas na sub-bacia do rio Cabaceiras - Curimataú Paraibano / A SALINITY OF SURFACE WATER AND ITS INTERFERENCE IN SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONDITIONS IN SUB-BASIN RIVER Caraibeira - Curimataú PARAIBANA




The semi-arid region of the north-east Brazil, is characterized by drought, with low rainfall indices, high evaporation, high incoming solar radiation, and soils susceptible to salinization. In this scenario, populations seek the areas close to the ponds (locally known as açudes), aiming to achieve satisfactory life condition and development. Ponds are found practically everywhere in the sertão. The ponds accumulate water during the rainy period, but not for a long time, because of periodic droughts and high evaporation. In the sub-basin of River Caraibeiras, in the municipality of Barra de Santa Rosa, there are two noteworthy ponds: Poleiro and Curimataú, both planned for water supply. It was aimed in the present study to estimate the water salinity indices of those ponds and how they affect socio-economic conditions in that region. Results obtained from the water physical-chemical analyses showed a high salt concentration, in the ponds, limiting the water consumption by humans, animals and crop irrigation. Such situation alters the habits of human communities and affects directly the socioeconomic condition in that region


salinidade de água resources recursos hídricos surface water salinity of water meio ambiente águas superficiais ciencias exatas e da terra

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