A saúde entre o trabalho e a vida: uma análise referenciada nas abordagens ergonômicas e ergológicas da atividade




This work aimed to understand the dynamic relation between teaching work and health.The study was carried out by teachers of the basic teaching in a school of the net municipal of Divinópolis/MG, who in the initial period of this inquiry presented a rate lifted up of teachers removal because of health, regarding other schools of the net. The choice was for the qualitative inquiry, with interphrase with the inquiry quantitative. The referential systems methodology of the Ergonomics of the Activity and of the Ergologia they supplied important tools for a glance differentiated to the situated activity of teachers. The results of the inquiry pointed to the overload of the work (term used by the teachers), for lack of autonomy of the group of teachers and for the deficiencies and limitations of the Project Pedagogic Politician of the Open School of Divinópolis. One showed up in this study that the work is dialectic (never neuter regarding life and to health of the workers) and the health to capacity of they set new standards front up new situations. In this dynamic relation between work and health there will always be subjects that individually or collectively, will be able to be defended of the harmfulness of the work. They are subject what are managed to be worth of the work for his auto-realization, they conceive it like fountain of pleasure and use it to transform and to build identities.


professores aspectos sociais. saúde e trabalho. educação teses.

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