A saude escolar em Campo Grande/MS : seu discurso, suas promessas




This PhD thesis is focused on the discourse concerning health in schools in the city of Campo Grande, in the Brazilian State of Mato Grosso do Sul, and aims at identifying promises made by such discourse and the results achieved. Following qualitative research approaches, as a "case study", and employing direct observation and interviews with health and education practitioners working inschools under the local education authority and in a students care health centre, the study found the presence of the medicalization discourse, which has been the main feature in the history of school health in Brazil. It was also found in Campo Grande that the medicalízation of social issues in the school health discourse, relating school failure to the health condition of children, makes promises that are not fulfilled. By disregarding the social condition of pupils, the teaching of health habits and the alleged health care do not resolve neither learning difficulties, nor health issues of children attending the State school. Such discourse, on the contrary, meets the job market interests of health practitioners and the consumer market of industrial goods, being therefore a means for social control of the poor and for party polítical propaganda


ensino de primeiro grau saude escolar - campo grande (ms)

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