A single point mutation in the yeast TRP4 gene affects efficiency of mRNA 3' end processing and alters selection of the poly(A) site.


The yeast TRP4 mRNA 3' end formation element is a bidirectional element which functions in both orien-tations in an artificial in vivo test system. In this study, the role of 3' end formation was analysed in the context of the entire TRP4 gene. The 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of TRP4 was altered and changes were analysed for their influence on TRP4 gene expression. The 3'UTR in reverse orientation was fully functional and did not affect TRP4 gene expression. Exchanging the TRP4 3'UTR by the bidirectional ARO4 or the unidirectional GCN4 3' end formation element allowed efficient gene expression. Deletion of the entire TRP4 3'UTR resulted in 70% reduction of TRP4 mRNA and 50% reduced specific Trp4 enzyme activity in comparison to wild-type. A single point mutation within the TRP4 3'UTR caused the same effect on gene expression. This point mutation did not only affect the efficiency of 3' end formation, but also produced new poly(A) sites which were situated upstream of the wild-type poly(A) sites. Therefore this sequence motif in the TRP4 3'UTR acts simultaneously as both an efficiency and positioning element.

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