A utilização das redes de aprendizagem como apoio ao ensino presencial pelos professores em escolas agrotécnicas federais do sul de Minas Gerais: os casos das escolas de Inconfidentes e Machado




The social, cultural and economic environments of the XXI century have been shaken by communication and information technologies, and have had a deep impact in our way of thinking and behaving. Thus, educators also have to be aware of the impact of the digital culture that brings information and communication to all places and times through computer networks. In this context, education institutions use learning networks searching for innovations to extend its reach. The Federal Agrotechnical Schools of Professional and Technological Education of Inconfidentes and Machado, situated in the south of Minas Gerais, have not yet used learning networks in their educational processes as a pedagogical support to face-to-face education on a regular and systematic basis. This situation seems to go against the dominant vision of education that is tuned and synchronized with the technological and educational developments of this century. The integration of learning networks in educational practices, particularly to support face-to-face education can improve the quality of teaching if used in a conscious, planned, and integrated format and mediated by the teacher, as is widely discussed and referenced by many authors as Assmann, Belloni, Costa, Harasim, Kensky, Levy, Moran, Pretto &Pinto, among others. This multiple case study research has the objective to understand the phenomenon of no-adoption or slow adoption of learning networks, and uses a case study to investigate the case of teachers in Schools Inconfidentes and Machado. It uses a qualitative research divided into three procedures: documentary analysis, questionnaires and focal group. It was found that very rarely professors use learning networks as support to face-to-face education; it was also found that professors perceive the Internet as a search source, an agile tool of communication and they do not visualize it as a medium to support cooperation and construction of knowledge. It was diagnosed that teachers encounter difficulties and lack the knowledge to access the existing infrastructure in these schools. One may conclude that the effective integration of learning networks in the teaching practices of these institutions, needs an efficient management of the technological infrastructure, more teacher education to use the net and to socialize experiences, and to share information and knowledge among participants.


internet redes de aprendizagem teaching practices internet internet na educação learning networks práticas pedagógicas educacao internet in education

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