Ação da hidrocortisona no desenvolvimento de Schistosoma mansoni Em biomphalaria glabrata




Hydrocortisone (cortisol) is the main example of a drug which presents anti­inflammatory and immunosupressive efTects in mammals like other compounds as corticosteroids, suprarenal hormones with steroid formation or any others with similar activities. Its main activity is on the cell defence and is used in the infection and allergy cases best inhibiting primary than secondary response. The internal defence system of molluscs are constituted by humoral and cell mechanisms. Two types of amoebocytes, the cell defence in molluscs are found: hialinocyte and granulocyte. The second type is similar to the macrophage of mammals and is responsible for the phagocytic activity. Experiments were conducted to verify the mo de of action of hydrocortisone over the haemolimph cells of Biomphalaria glabrata infected with BH strain of Schistosoma mansoni miracidia and its developmental influence in the intermediate host. Survival of molluscs, rate of infection, number of released cercaria, haemolymph circulating amoebocytes, amoebocyte reaction around the sporocysts were verified. Molluscs treated with hydrocortisone exhibited less circulating amoebocytes in the haemolymph, more susceptibility to the infection, more production and precocious release of cercaria and predominance of viable sporocysts without secondary sporocysts. These results which are compatible among them, suggest similar mo de of action of hydrocortisone in the defence system óf Biomphalaria glabrata and human been causing immunosupression. This action would facilitate the Schistosoma mansoni development in its intermediary host.


schistosoma mansoni biomphalaria glabrata

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