Activation and inactivation kinetics of an E-4031-sensitive current from single ferret atrial myocytes.


Ferret atrial myocytes can display an E-4031-sensitive current (IKr) that is similar to that previously described for guinea pig cardiac myocytes. We examined the ferret atrial IKr as the E-4031-sensitive component of current using the amphotericin B perforated patch-clamp technique. Steady-state IKr during depolarizing pulses showed characteristic inward rectification. Activation time constants during a single pulse were voltage dependent, consistent with previous studies. However, for potentials positive to +30 mV, IKr time course became complex and included a brief transient component. We examined the envelope of tails of the drug-sensitive current for activation in the range -10 to +50 mV and found that the tail currents for IKr do not activate with the same time course as the current during the depolarizing pulse. The activation time course determined from tail currents was relatively voltage insensitive over the range +30 to +50 mV (n = 5), but was voltage sensitive for potentials between -10 and +30 mV and appeared to show some sigmoidicity in this range. These data indicate that activation of IKr occurs in at least two steps, one voltage sensitive and one voltage insensitive, the latter of which becomes rate limiting at positive potentials. We also examined the rapid time-dependent inactivation process that mediates rectification at positive potentials. The time constants for this process were only weakly voltage dependent over the range of potentials from -50 to +60 mV. From these data we constructed a simple linear four-state model that reproduces the general features of ferret IKr, including the initial transient at positive potentials and the apparent discrepancy between the currents during the initial depolarizing pulse and the tail current.

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