Adhesion, exoenzymes activity, susceptibility to Killer toxins and sensibility to antifungal agents of Candida dubliniensis strains isolates from HIV+ individuals / Adesão, produção de exoenzimas, sensibilidade a toxinas Killer e a antifúngicos de cepas de Candida dubliniensis isoladas de pacientes HIV positivos




Candida dubliniensis is a newly described specie which is closely related phylogenetically to Candida albicans. It was first identified as a new specie by Sullivan et al., in Dublin, Ireland, 1995.Numerous researches are attempting to identify more detailed characteristics of C. dubliniensis and similitudes and differences between the two related species.The resistence of C. dubliniensis to the usual drugs employed to treat candidosis, particularly in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infected individuals has been emphasizely described. The susceptibility to killer toxins may also contribute to explain some aspects of the resistence process in Candidal infection. Other characteristics such as adhesion capability and exoenzymes activity have been studied in comparision with this newer specie.The aim of this study was to evaluate adhesion capability, exoenzymes activity (proteinase and phospholipase), susceptibility to Killer toxins and sensibility to antifungal agents (azoles and amphotericin B) through E-test of 9 Candida dubliniensis isolates from HIV+ individuals.The adhesion test was strongly positive for the strain ATCC 777 and positive for the other strains. Proteinase activity was strongly posive for the strains ATCC 777, ATCC 778, CD 07, and CD 14, positive for the strain 038 and negative for the other. Phospholipase activity revealed strongly positive results for the strains ATCC 777, CD14, 038, 107. The strains ATCC 778, CD 07, 013, 058, and 096 had positive activity and activity was no absent. The Susceptibility to killer toxin showed to different biotypes: 888 and 688. Only the ATCC 777 strain was susceptible to K2 toxin. No strains presented resistance to azoles or amphotericin-B. The results showed MICs ranged between 0.002 1.0 mg/ml e 0.002- 0.032 respectively.


hivseropositive sida candida dublininesis exoenzimas adesão exoenzymes toxinas killer adhesion aids hiv positivo candida dubliniensis killer toxins

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