AIDS-TME : ambiente interativo para desenvolvimento de software para testes e medidas eletricas, utilizando instrumentação com interface GPIB (IEEE-488)




The purpose of this work is the specification, implementation and operational testing of an Interative Environment of Software Development for Testing and Electrical Measurements (AIDS_TME), with modular characteristics and high reusability of basic routines in the software production. The increase in the productivity and quality of programms generated into this environment is an inherent characteristic to the systems of this nature (CASE). The philosophy that guides this development is based on years of experiency in laboratories and eletronic mantenance areas as well as the utilization of instrumententationwith GPIB "General Purpose Interface Bus" interface, aiming at the attendance of necessity of production of a large variety of testing programs to automatize routine activities or to perform complex and extremely long testing


semicondutores software - desenvolvimento

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