Ambientes computacionais e telemáticos no desenvolvimento de projetos pedagógicos com alunos com paralisia cerebral.
Teófilo Alves Galvão Filho
New realities and paradigms emerge from human society. The increasing presence of Communication and Information Technologies head to different ways of relationship along with the knowledge and its construction, as well as to new pedagogical conceptions and possibilities. A society more permeable to its diversity tends to question its segregationist mechanism and foresees new ways of social inclusion of a deficient person. Through this perspective, this work tried to investigate the possibilities and consequences of the join of these realities so present in nowadays society, researching the computarized and telematic ambients utilization by students with cerebral paralysis, creating work projects, aiming its learning, development and social inclusion. The Case Study approach was chosen, envolving four students with cerebral paralysis, whose homepages construction and internet delivery were analyzed, paying more attention to the learning process experiencend, to the interaction occured and to the steps reached toward a telematic culture. In this way, the present work was based in Piaget?s principles of psychogenetic theory and was concerned with the social-historical-cultural reality, observed in Vygotsky and Paulo Freire?s ideas. The results showed a perceptive motivation and self-esteem growth of these students, to the lecto-writing betterment process, to new built up interaction and relationship, and to the possibilities and telematic resources addittion to their routine tasks of learning and interaction. All that, confirming the possibility of new educational ways and conceptions, dealt with telematic ambients, which favor the learning and social inclusion of cerebral paralised students. Further more, directing new works, that investigate the work process of illiterated students, and also the relation between Assistive Technologies and compensations occured through deficient persons? learning and development.
alunos com deficiência educacao computation in special education projetos pedagógicos cerebral paralysis informática na educação especial paralisia cerebral students with disability pedagogical projects
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