Amebíase e outras parasitoses intestinais no município de São João do Piauí, PI - Brasil




This work is the result of research to determine the prevalence of enteroparasitosis, particularly amoebiasis, in individual who reside in the rural and urban areas of São João do Piauí municipality where basic sanitary and hygienic conditions are precarious, the water having no types of treatment for the majority of people. In the first step, 791 stools samples were collected and it was confirmed that 58% of the individuals presented one or more intestinal parasites, including some of medical interest; in the second step, a differentiation was made between the amoebas of the Entamoeba histolytica / Entamoeba dispar complex in 33 fresh stool of 172 positive samples which revealed a prevalence of 39% of the pathogenic and invasive form of Entamoeba histolytica. The analysis of serum samples by Indirect Immunofluorescence techinique to evaluate the probability of occurrence of extra-intestinal amoebiasis reveled only 5% of the tested sera suggesting that antibody titles of Entamoeba histolytica do not necessarily colonize the humoral immune response and that invasive events such as hepatic abscess are not common in this region


prevalência de enteroparasitoses amebíase prevalência parasitoses intestinais ciencias biologicas

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