An analysis of the Little House Books collection, by Laura Ingalls Wilder / Reafirmando uma nação: a figuração da identidade nacional norte-americana nas obras de Laura Ingalls Wilder




This dissertation presents an analysis of the Little House Books collection, by Laura Ingalls Wilder, and it is divided into three chapters. In Chapter I, Romance as the sustaining basis of the North-American ideology, we show which are the literary strategies used by wilder to compose her books, in order to transmit and sustain the North-American ideology. We use, as a comparative basis, Little Town on the Prairie and The First Four Years, and we try to put in evidence the differences between the books published during her life and the posthumous work, concerning style and the change in her point of view. In doing so, we base ourselves on authors from the literary theory, such as Northrop Frye (1957), Philip Stevick (1967), and Rosemary Jackson (1983), and in previous reasearchers of Wilders works, such as Ann Romines (1994) and Caroline Fraser (1994). In Chapter II, Historys place in Farmer Boy, we explore the book in which Wilder describes a wealthy life in a farm, so we can discuss the differences between the narrated period and the historical context that generated the conditions that allowed the appearance of the Little House books. Afterwards, we present an analysis of some excerpts taken from Farmer Boy that are related to work and money, with the intention of establishing the interrelations between both contexts, and explaining that the narrated time depended on the social and economical context from which it has appeared, so to pass on the lesson about how to survive in such hard times to readers that experienced the crisis during the Depression years. In Chapter III, Ideology unfolded in the works by Wilder, we present a theoretical discussion concerning ideology and how it works on formation, transmission, and reafirmation of its own values. In doing so, we base ourselves on authors such as Terry Eagleton (1997) and Raymond Williams (1977). Then, we take the historical context again in order to explain that ideology work in three levels: in the constitution od Wilder as a historical person, in the production of the Little House books, and in its comsumption, made by the readers in the decade of 1930. In order to explain how these three levels relate among themselves, we base ourselves on the texto "Leisure Time", by Theodor Adorno (1962). Finally, in the moment we analyze some exceprts taken from Farmer Boy and Little Town on the Prairie,we try to show to the reader that all the time we deal with Fredric Jamesons political uncounscious (1980). Thus, in spite of trying to commit herself to her plan of transmission and reafirmation of the North-American ideology, her criticism about economy and politics of the thirties breaks the path of the way she had made, in order to figure althrough the books.


estudos de cultura; história dos estados unidos; ideologia; laura ingalls wilder; literatura norte-a cultural studies; history of the united states; ideology; laura ingalls wilder; north-american liter

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