An incremental method for transmission loss allocation based on AC power flow / Um metodo incremental para alocação das perdas de transmissão baseado no fluxo de cargas CA




This work presents a method for active power transmission loss allocation among electrical market participants. In Brazil, the methodology to be implemented for loss allocation is based on incremental methods and defines loss factors for generators and loads. This technique uses a DC load flow to calculate the loss factors, and so it does not consider the complete power flow equations. Consequently, this method may provide unfair loss allocation depending on the system operation condition. This thesis proposes a methodology to calculate the loss factors, based on incremental methods but using an AC load flow taking into account system non-linearity. The DC and AC methods are applied to a small system composed by five buses and to a version of the Brazilian North-Northwest system. The results prove the limitation of DC incremental method, justifying the use of a methodology based on AC load flow equation for losses allocation. The AC method proposed shows to be efficient and accurate to calculate the loss factors as well permits to include directly, differently from the DC method, the total active power loss sensitivities with respect to reactive power changes, which most of loss allocation techniques neglect


sistemas de energia eletrica energia eletrica - transmissão power flow energia eletrica transmission loss

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