Analise critica das melhores praticas de produção utilizadas no setor de autopeças




The increase of international competition and the policies adopted by the Brazilian Government, in the beginning of the decade of 90, have altered the relationships between market and industry. In this point, the automotive suppliers, located in a market of extreme competition and instabilities, has been seeking the adoption of world class manufacturing, to promote increases in their quality metrics and productivity. The aim of this work is to analyze the panorama of the Automotive Brazilian Suppliers, regarding the adoption of "world class manufacturing parctices". The used methodology was the survey, questionnaire sent by mail and later analyzed through the use of statistical techniques. The obtained results allowed that the reality of most companies is very distant when compared with the best production practices found by the literature in subject.


production management industria automobilistica administração da produção best practices pesquisa industrial gestão de qualidade total automotive sector survey

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