Análise da Integridade Estrutural do Quartzito Itacolomi Colado com Diferentes Resinas




The monuments of Ouro Preto were built in the middle of the 18th century and they are now in an advanced stage of deterioration. Some structures were empirically recovered employing a kind of orthophthalic resin. Then, with the purpose of providing scientific knowledge to restores and researchers that use peaces in stone of cantaria and artisans that use the stone in their sculptures, it was done resistance s tests in flexion of quartzite itacolomi with and without glue, employing different types of resins. These resins are employed in ornamental industry to increase its resistance to the attack of chemical substances, to test its mechanic resistance and/or its capacity to accrete values to the product, such as color, bright and facility to clean. During the tests, it was observed that the breakage occurred generally in the central region and parallel to the glue s plane. Nevertheless, the tests of resistance to uniaxial compression and resistance to the impact of the hard body were done only with the specimen without glueyness, due to the consequences to the material. In the first case, occurred the total collapse of the specimen and, in the second case, it was observed the progression of cracks without the breakage of the specimen. Besides, it was done a thermic analysis and infrared spectroscopy to accompany the degradation of an orthophthalic resin in the period of 1989 2005.


analise teorica e experimental de estrutura quartzito,poliesteres

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