Análise das dificuldades na disciplina de bioquímica diagnosticadas por um plantão de dúvidas on line / Students difficulties in biochemistry discipline analyzed through an on line academic drop-in center




The biochemistry discipline integrates the curriculum of all graduation courses on the Biological Area and is a basis for other disciplines. The students difficulties in this discipline are already widely recognized. To investigate these difficulties, we created a drop-in on line service that had three purposes: (i) to give support to students learning by answering their questions and solving their problems whenever they appear, (ii) to analyze the questions presented, as a strategy to diagnose the most prevalent difficulties and (3) to carry through a classification of the cognitive level of the received doubts. After the period of attendance of this service on line, 416 questions were received and answered. There were many conceptual questions being the majority related to problems and exercises. The most frequent questions dealt with cell metabolism (42.5%), mainly lipid metabolism and aerobic metabolism; basic concepts (14.2%) such as about amino acids and buffer, protein structure (8.7%) and enzymes (7.0%). These percentages are correlated to the number of hours dedicated to each subjects in the disciplines. The main difficulty founded was the integration of metabolic processes. Related to the cognitive level, 61% of the doubts had been of low level, 28% had been of average level and 11% had been of high level. A more in-deep analysis will be necessary to investigate the causes of the pointed difficulties.


educação em bioquímica plantão de dúvidas on line dificuldades difficulties drop-in on line biochemistry education bioquímica (estudo e ensino)

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