Análise de possíveis efeitos desejáveis do controle aversivo na aprendizagem de comportamento eficaz




In this study, the hypothesis that contingences of punishment and negative reinforcement which constitute the area called ?aversive control?, take part in the process of establishment and maintenance of important behaviors, which can increase the probability of an individual to deal better with the adversities of his environment; as well as to contribute with cultural practices relevant to his group, is investigated. In this case, these effects would be understood as desirable, once they would act in favor to the promotion of an effective repertory. Two studies were developed to investigate this hypothesis, both from a theoretic-conceptual nature. The first describes criterions based on Skinnerian?s analysis which guides the comprehension of the effective behavior. The second study investigates the possibility of the participation of the aversive control in the process of establishment and maintenance of behavior that probably acts in favor to the occurrence of the effective repertory. The criterions from the first study instrumentalized the second one to the clarification of the way that the effects of the aversive control can be evaluated as desirable or undesirable for the behavioral learning. The results from the first study show that Skinner, in his compiled texts, uses the term ?effective behavior? as the following meaning: ?repertory of behavior of an individual which produces either direct or indirect possibilities of reinforcement, to the behavior of the own individual; moreover, it increases the chances of surviving of relevant cultural practices?. The results of the second study showed the possibility of participation of the aversive control in much effective behavior. The detailed analysis of the moral behavior and of the self-control behavior is pointed out in these results. The developed analysis indicate that, once the aversive control integrates the natural environment, it hardly could be simply eliminated or substituted, besides this, in many situations, its occurrence seems to be adaptative, indicating that any contact with its effects can be important to the effective behavioral learning. It is still evidenced that its undesirable effects probably occurs in particular conditions of aversive stimulation, having the possibility of desirable effects been produced in other conditions. In this way, it is expected that it had contributed with a greater detailment in the analysis of the aversive control presenting some aids that can guide the behavior annalists? comprehension about its desirable and undesirable behavioral effects. It is also expected that the results of these studies can subside more critical and less dogmatic analysis in respect to the behavioral effects of the aversive control.


behaviorismo controle aversivo (psicologia) comportamento eficaz (psicologia) behaviorism (psychology) behavior assessment

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