AnÃlise de variabilidade genÃtica de isolados de Colletotrichum gloeosporÃoides de cajueiro (Anacardium occidentale L.) utilizando marcadores moleculares e teste de patogenicidade




The anthracnose, caused by the fungus Glomerella cingulata (anamorph â Colletotrichum gloeosporioides), is the most important disease of cashew. With the aim to study the genetic variability (by RAPD and rDNA ITS regions) and the pathogenicity of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, eighteen isolates obtained from cashew of many areas of Pernambuco, proceeded from Igarassu, Goiana, SÃo JoÃo, BrejÃo, Garanhuns and Itambà boroughs were used. For the RAPD study, OPA-02, OPA-11, OPW-07, OPW- 20 and OPX-07 primers were used and for the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 regions of ribossomal DNA, the ITS1 and ITS4 universal primers were used, and the amplification products were digested separately with each restriction enzymes DraI, HaeIII e MspI. The pathogenicity test was carried out with detached leaves of cashew cv. EMBRAPA C.P. 09. By the UPGMA of RAPD method, the isolates were grouped in two main groups with 15% of similarity, being the Group I subdivided in five groups and the Group II in four ones. The ITS region amplification resulted in a fragment with 590 pb for all isolates and the isolate Cg15, obtained from inflorescences, presented a second fragment with 620-630 pb. The amplification products of the ITS region of the rDNA did not show restriction site for the enzyme DraI and between enzymes HaeIII e MspI, the last one showed a bigger polymorphism among the isolates. The groupment analysis for the ITS RFLP showed the formation of two distinct groups with 50% of similarity with the Group I being divided in two groups with around 65% of similarity and the Group II divided in two groups, one with 60% and the other one formed by the isolate Cg17, obtained from stem. According to the pathogenicity test, all isolates are pathogenic to cv. EMBRAPA C.P. 09, being Cg02 and Cg03 the most agressives


itambà variabilidade genÃtica brejÃo igarassu sÃo joÃo garanhuns micologia antracnose glomerella cingulata goiana pernambuco brasil

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