AnÃlise do ART NOUVEAU no estado de Pernambuco (1870â1939)




The present study discusses the problems, methods and results obtained from research conducted on the Art Noveau movement in architecture in the State of Pernambuco during the period 1870 to 1939. At the outset of the project, a basic yet central question arose as to what ought to be considered as the âproperâ elements that characterize Art Noveau generally; whether a unified set of elements should be expected, or variability. It is argued that the movement, even in Europe, its place of origin, was not homogenous, allowing considerable variability in identifying features. The guiding hypothesis was that an emerging social organization would be manifest in innovative structures. Building upon a theoretical and methodological base from historical archaeology, postprocessual archaeology and the archaeology of architecture, this study seeks to understand the social context surrounding the introduction of construction techniques and style of a-historical architecture in Pernambuco, and as such relies heavily on the works of Hodder, Leone, Handsman, Anderson and Moore, among others. FaÃade, floor plan, ornamentation and construction materials were observed for twenty-three buildings identified as characteristic of Art Noveau in Permambuco. The analysis affirmed that, whether public buildings or private residences, the material manifestations of Art Noveau demonstrate intention to suit architecture to the emergent ideology that legitimized the demands of urbanization and industrialization of the period


arquitetura art nouveau arqueologia da arquitetura antropologia recursividade arqueologia histÃrica recursive means art nouveau architecture historical archaeology archeology of architecture

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