Analise do uso e das possibilidades do gas metano fossil e de biodigestão nas frotas de veiculos em São Paulo e outras regiões, nos anos 90




This research work tried to assess the recent situation of fuel supplies and the possibility of usage of methane on the urban road transport, as a complement to the traditional fuels. The author finds problems with the diesel oil, gas and LPG supplies, showing that the Brasilian structure of oil products isn t enough for the supply of the national market and detects the surreptitious usage of LPG in vehicles.On the other hand, the natural gas is evaluated to check its viability on the complementation of usage of petroleum products in the urban road transport. A situation of wasteage of natural gas is found and PETROBRAS is the responsable for this wasteage. As a result, the author proves the viability of usage of natural gas as a complement to the traditional fuels emphasing though that this process can only occur in regions, served by the fuel and with some infrastructure already available


combustiveis fosseis veiculos a motor - frotas metano

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