Análise econômica da capacidade de carga turística na gestão do turismo em cidades históricas




This dissertation examines alternatives to control the excessive flow of people in historic cities, from the economic perspective, aiming to defend the necessity to preserve the heritage, pointing viable public policies. Initially, was done a study on the concept "carrying capacity" until to get the current concept "tourist carrying capacity." The analysis of the context of the city of Ouro Preto, as empirical study, highlighting the characteristics of living of preservation of heritage versus tourism. The economic abordage is based on fundamental concepts of the instruments of public policy, for this example are taken from some tourist destinations to be analyzed and described aspects of the instruments of quantity and price. Finally, there is a simulation quantity / price for the city of Ouro Preto, allowing us to identify important events, so that alternatives are outlined and considerations for the solution of the problem of carrying capacity in tourist historic cities. Some proposals to be made to control the flow of people in historic cities through economic instruments, were obtained. These alternatives can be reached from the study of the peculiarities of each city. That proposal analysis of tourist flow to each destination but the seasonality of your profile.


cidades históricas turismo tourism carrying capacity instruments of public policy instrumentos de política pública historic towns tourism turismo capacidade de carga turística economia economy

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