AnÃlise psicolÃgica do campo conceitual de campo de forÃas no ensino mÃdio




This research tried to explore the conceptual organization about the conceptual field of force field within high school students of physics at a private school located in the city of Recife-Brazil. In order to achieve our aim, a list of activities was outlined to explore all different conceptual fields these students bring themselves to the classroom before have any formal instruction about force field, specially electric field, trying to establish connections between these conceptual organizations with positive results and difficulty on learning expressed for these students at the end of a formal curse of force field through an assessment. The results indicate an identifiable link between physics concepts learned by students in the first year of high school that contribute for the learning of the concept of force field, specially, electric field. Such results give subsidies for the continuity of the research in physic teaching turned to the proposition of didactic area turned to the teaching of force field in general, and specially, electric field


force field campo de forÃas physics teaching campo conceitual conceptual field ensino de fÃsica psicologia cognitiva

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