Análise tectono-estratigráfica da Faixa de dobramento Paraguai meridional na Serra da Bodoquena e depressão do Rio Miranda, MS / Tectonostratigraphic analysis of the southern Paraguay fold belt in Serra da Bodoquena and Rio Miranda depression, MS




This work aims to characterize the geological and structural context of the Southern Paraguay Folded Belt, and to understand the stratigraphic relationships between the Puga Formation, Corumbá and Cuiabá groups. Regional geological reconnaissance work and detailed geological-structural field sections were carried out, with petrographic and structural analysis, together with integration of existing data and maps and analysis of satellite images, aerial photos and digital terrain models. The southern Paraguay Belt is a typical fold-andthrust belt. Its geological evolution began with rifting (Puga and Cerradinho formations), probably at the end of Criogenian, and evolved to restricted sea and passive margin (Bocaina, Tamengo and Guaicurus formations) in the late Ediacaran. It is proposed that the Cuiabá Group in the study area consists of distal marine deposits coeval with the Corumbá Group. The collisional process responsible for basin inversion and associated deformation and metamorphism occurred in the Cambrian, with post-collisional magmatism in the Upper Cambrian. The structural style becomes increasingly complex from west to east. Up to three overprinted coaxial folding phases are observed with north / south upright axial planes dipping to east and axes plunging gently to North or South. A system of thrust faults is associated with displacement of the hangwall to the west. Down-dip to oblique and strike-slip stretching lineations are also observed, with kinematic indicators showing movement varying from inverse to sinistral. This suggests that the collisional convergence toward the Rio Apa block which generated the mobile belt was not strictly frontal, but had some degree of obliquity, with convergence vectors around SSW - ENE. The Cuiabá Group mica-schists show the most complex structural style with three superimposed coaxial fold phases and more intense tectonic foliations. It is proposed that there would be time correlation between the S3 foliation in the mica-schists in the easternmost area, with the S2 foliation in the central area and the S1 cleavage at the limit of the cratonic area to the west. This pattern can be explained by the westward migration of the deformational front. It is suggestive that the main thrusts coincide with major basin boundaries, where greater variations in thickness and expression of the basal formations occur. During the basin inversion the thrusts probably reactivated the former main listric faults of the rift stage.


neoproterozóico mobile belt neoproterozoic brasiliano paraguai mobile belt fold-and-thrust belt faixa móvel faixa paraguai faixa de dobramentos brasiliano

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