Analysis of regulation of the ilvGMEDA operon by using leader-attenuator-galK gene fusions.


Five of the genes for the biosynthesis of isoleucine and valine form the ilvGMEDA operon of Escherichia coli K-12. Expression of the operon responds to changes in the availability of isoleucine, leucine, and valine (ILV). Addition of an excess of all three amino acids results in reduced expression of the operon, whereas limitation for one of the three amino acids causes an increase in expression. The operon is preceded by a leader-attenuator which clearly regulates the increased expression that occurs due to reduced aminoacylation of tRNA. To assess the factors that result in the reduced expression of this operon upon the addition of ILV, a series of plasmids were constructed in which the ilv regulatory region was fused to galK. In response to addition of the amino acids, expression of the galK gene fused to the leader-attenuator decreased five- to sevenfold, instead of the twofold observed for the chromosomal operon. A deletion analysis with these plasmids indicated that the ILV-specific decrease in expression required an intact leader-attenuator but not ilvGp2 or the DNA that precedes this promoter. This conclusion was supported by both S1 nuclease analysis of transcription initiation and determination of galK mRNA levels by RNA-RNA hybridization.

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