Anos potenciais de vida perdidos â APVP: anÃlise das desigualdades segundo estratos de condiÃÃes de vida na cidade do Recife, 2000




The aim of this research was to study the mortality of the municipality of Recife in 2000, according to the main causes of death and its relation to the conditions of the populationâs life, from the indicator âAnos Potenciais de Vida Perdidosâ-APVP, ( Lost Potencial Years of Life) identifying the inequalities at the risk of death. A study was carried out considering ecological concerns, using population census data, as well as information about varieties related to housing, education and income from the demographic census of 2000. It was studied 5.559 deaths of residents in Recife between the age of 1 and 70 years old, collected from the Mortality Information System from Recife Health Departament. It was developed a concise indicator of districtsâ conditions of life through factor analysis an cluster technique what made possible to divide the municipality into tree stratums. The stratum 1 was defined as âhigh condition of lifeâ; the 2 âintermediate condition of lifeâ; the third. âlow condition of lifeâ. As a result, the risk of death and the lost of potencial years of life increased as the stratums conditions of life got worse. In 2000, in Recife, the principal causes proporcional mortality causes was circulatories diseases, the neoplasias, and the external causes. With the analysis, it was observed hat the APVP has a different order of mortality causes, showing evidence of its importance to assess the precocity of the death. The external causes were the principal reasons for the lost of potencial years of life with 53.038,5 lost years of life. The circulatories diseases were the second cause of APVP with 21.112,5 lost years of life and the infeccious diseases, the third cause with 11.699,5 lost years of life, wich both considered the varieties of sex and stratum. For the male sex, the external causes were the first ones in all stratums with 47.063,5 lost years of life. The circulatories diseases were the second cause with 12.844,0 and the infeccious diseases were the third with 8.221,0. For the female sex, the circulatories diseases were the first cause of APVP with 8.268,5 lost years of life.The external causes were the second with 5.975,0 of APVP and the infeccious diseases were the third with 3.478,5 APVP. It was observed a decrease in the stratrum 1 and 3 n the majority of the causes, reinforcing the relation between APVP and conditions of life. The coefficient of proportional mortality when compared to APVP one shows differences according to sex and age group in all stratums. It was identified that, for some causes, the lost of life years has deep relation to the conditions of life that expose the population of the stratums to differents risks. The risk of lost potencial years of life for external causes , neoplasias, circulatories diseases and others causes was bigger in the stratum 3 than the stratums 1 and 2. Considering the complexity of the determination, it was found in the tree stratums, an inverse relation between its magnitude and conditions of life, revealing so, the inequalities and the hidden iniquidades in the indicators, often used for the elaboration and analysis of the health diagnosis in Recife


desigualdades saude coletiva secretaria de saÃde do recife condiÃÃes de vida - recife

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