Antagonism among the normal anaerobic bacteria of the mouse gastrointestinal tract determined by immunofluorescence.


Strictly anaerobic Bacteroides sp., Eubacterium sp., and Fusobacterium sp. were isolated from the cecum of a conventional mouse. An immunofluorescent method utilizing rabbit antisera specific for each of these three strains was developed to determine their population levels in the gastrointestinal tracts of gnotobiotic mice. Population levels of these anaerobes in groups of gnotobiotic mice colonized with either Bacteroides, Eubacterium, or Fusobacterium were compared with those of gnotobiotes colonized with all three strains. Bacteroides population levels in gnotobiotes colonized with all three strains were 100-fold less than the Bacteroides population level in gnotobiotes colonized with only the Bacteroides strain. Eubacterium or Fusobacterium population levels were not reduced by the presence of the other anaerobic strains. Thus, strictly anaerobic Eubacterium sp. and Fusobacterium sp. that colonized gnotobiotic mice caused a reduction in the in vivo population levels of a strictly anaerobic Bacteroides sp.

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