Anticodon shift in tRNA: a novel mechanism in missense and nonsense suppression.


In a previous publication, an unusual UGG-reading missense suppressor caused by insertion of an extra adenylate residue in the anticodon loop of an Escherichia coli glycine tRNA was described. In this study, we provide in vivo evidence that the additional nucleotide causes an "anticodon shift" by one nucleotide in the 3' direction and that the "new" anticodon can explain the unanticipated coding properties of the suppressor. We converted the UGG suppressor with ethyl methanesulfonate, a base-substitution mutagen, to suppressors that read codons related to UGG by a single base change. Sequence analysis of each mutant tRNA revealed that its mutational alteration was an anticipated base change in one of the three nucleotides of the "new" anticodon. Although the new suppressors read codons beginning with A or U, the mutant tRNAs lack the customary hypermodified nucleosides on the 3' side of the anticodon. As determined on the basis of their in vivo coding specificities, the new mutant tRNAs do not continue to utilize the original anticodon triplet for decoding. Furthermore, the failure of the UGG suppressor to correct frameshift mutations throughout each of three genes of the trp operon suggests that the addition of a nucleotide to the anticodon loop of a tRNA does not necessarily result in out-of-frame decoding by the tRNA. Therefore, a "frameshift" mutation in a tRNA has principally changed the triplet codon recognition properties of the molecule.

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